Welcome to Documentations!

Hello There! We would like to warmly welcome you first of all. We are creating this documentation to let you know more information about Rovver Bot! Also We are glad because everyone is helping us!

About the Rovver Bot πŸŽ‰

What is called Rovver?

Rovver is the latest Discord Music Bot 🎢! It's a special bot because It was created with ❀ and also because It has more features than normal. This bot was creatively arranged by it's developers 😜! The developers were working on this 24/7 and The supporters, Which mean @everyone 😎 was adding this bot before even starting the bot. That's the various happiness and potion for our quick release! When we were starting the bot, It was added 40 servers which is really rare!

Do you have any idea about how creative is our developers?

Well, You can check that out by going through the below URL link and Reach to our website made with... uhm, ❀ too! 🀣

let website = "https://rovver.xyz" πŸ‘

How is it so special than normal?

Well, This bot was created by an advanced bot developer called "Krypton". Between He is the creator of the website and the documentations [Nice self promoting 🀣]! Also the bot was sponsored by an awesome person called GamerNabi 😏! In order, He made few new commands in this bot as Discord's First Inventions such as Playlist Feature ✨!

You can see the List of Features and the respective Descriptions in below Hint! [Don't be lazy to check below 🀣]

<span class="features">https://rovver.xyz/features"</span>

How often this bot's commands were used?

Awesome Question, Who asked it? 🀣! Krypton writes, Krypton Answers lol. GamerNabi will kill him if caught! 😁 Well, This bot's command has a usuall flow, As we track down our command usage using the below method, We messure it. Atleast 120 commands are used within 24 hours. Which means it's a high volume for a new Bot. But thanks to the awesome person called Reashetyrrα΅ˆα΅‰α΅›, We have 4GB Dedicated Host that can contain 100+ songs per minute. 😲

cache.get("Secret!🀞").send("> **[COMMAND]** `" + command +"` has been used by `" +message.author.tag +"`[ID:``" + message.author.id + "``] in Server: `" +message.guild.name +"` (**ID** : `" +message.guild.id +"`)");

Last updated